
Tuesday 17 July 2012

Guest Posting Instead of SEO-ing to Build Your Brand

As difficult as it may sound, there are still a number of people who just do not understand branding. That's not surprising. Branding is difficult and it takes time to really grasp it. Begin with a contemplation of your goal. Build your strategy of writing guest blogs. Be strategic from the very beginning. Do not post more than 2 blogs a month. Quality is always better than quantity.

Target well-known blogs such as Lifehacker. This will give you a major exposure. But getting your post approved by a major site like that needs time and dedication. You have to research really well and know what you are writing about. People who visit and follow those blogs are knowledgeable. They know their industry. Keep that in mind when you write. Informative, crisp and quality write-ups will lead to considerable growth in your traffic.

My advice is to write about something that your business deals in. You are likely to know about it better than others and provide useful information. Be sure to fill your blog with relevant keywords. The best way to do this is to do a little bit of research using Google's tools.

There's an online community of bloggers named 'MyBlogGuest', you can find guest post-related information there shared by other guest bloggers like you. To write for this site, you have to send a request to them via email.

Follow some major bloggers on Facebook and Twitter. Retweet and share their posts and do not forget to tag them so that they know that you are sharing their posts.

Now, it comes down to the writing. Read, read and read thoroughly some latest and popular posts on renowned blogs. Comment on the guest posts, but only after reading the comments of others. Also, use tools such as Google Trends and Tweetmeme to find out some posts on the 'trending topics'. These are the topics that are likely to get read by more people.

Short sentences and small paragraphs, these are the keys to an interesting blog. Keep as much white space as you can in your post. Write in an interactive manner as if you are talking face-to face with your reader.

Submit your blog to the host blogger with the URLs of the sites where you researched your information. Keep your social media profiles updated every time you write a new post with a link to it.

Talk to your followers about what they would like you provide some insight into- and write your next post on that!

If some user shares, retweets or replies to your post, take the time out to respond to them. This goes a long way to success. Be quick. Don't keep them waiting. Also, share their useful content.

All these contribute in building your brand. Pay equal attention to all these. Best of luck!

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